Issue 12 Sept. 2012

Shaman and Politics in Indonesia

The role of the shaman is barely mentioned in the spotlight of political studies of post New Order Indonesia. The fact is, shaman has been involved in contestation for power in Indonesian politics and thus, its role cannot be ignored. […]

Issue 12 Sept. 2012

Suicide Among Indonesian Children/Teenagers

       Suicide among Indonesian children/teenagers is apparently increasing every year. This phenomenon started to catch the public attention only after 1998. Komnas Anak (National Commission for Child Protection) in its 2012 mid annual-report mentions that […]

Issue 11 Mar. 2011

Chinese-Indonesians in Local Politics: A Review Essay

 Despite various changes that happened after the tragic event of May 1998, including the latest revision of Citizenship Law (issued as No. 12/2006) which have given the Chinese-Indonesians social and political space to express their […]

Issue 11 Mar. 2011

Catatan Tentang Orang Cina Indonesia dalam Politik Lokal

 Pendahuluan  Walaupun banyak perubahan yang telah terjadi setelah peristiwa tragis pada Mei 1998, termasuk revisi paling terbaru dalam Udang-Undang Kewarga-negaraan (terbit Nomor12/2006) yang telah memberikan kalangan Cina Indonesia ruang sosial and politk untuk mengekspresikan identitas […]

Issue 7 Sept. 2006

The Indonesian Migrants of Davao and Cotabato

The more recent Indonesian migrants to the Philippines are collectively called Maroris by the natives of Davao. They are called Maroris because in coming to southern Mindanao, a lot of them went by way of […]

Issue 6 Mar. 2005

Vedi Hadiz on Indonesia

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As you know, we are having parliamentary elections in Indonesia on the 5th of April, and this should actually be a very good time to talk about leadership in Indonesia. The […]

Issue 6 Mar. 2005

Wahyu Prasetyawan on Indonesia’s Presidential Election

How did Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono defeat incumbent Megawati in the 2004 presidential election, given the President’s relatively successful maintenance of the economy over the last three years? Many analysts have highlighted the novel role played […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: Indonesia: The 2004 Elections and Beyond

Indonesia: The 2004 Elections and BeyondAdam Schwarz Singapore / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / 2004 This monograph is a transcript of a lecture delivered by former Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Adam Schwarz at the Institute of […]