Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Issue 6 (March 2005). Elections and Statesmen
IN THIS ISSUE – More Full Translations
The big news is that we are bringing you more full translations – in this issue, look for them in Review Essays, which opens with a stimulating reassessment by Nidhi Aeusrivongse of the situation in southern Thailand. Two encounters with Indonesia – at once personal, professional, and political – follow, along with examinations of the electoral exercise in Malaysia and the Philippines. Features includes transcripts from a lively Bangkok forum on leadership and analyses of Indonesia’s legislative and presidential elections.
Understanding the Situation in the South as a “Millenarian Revolt”
By Abdur Rozaki |
Walking on Yogya
By Deborah Homsher |
A Friendship, Some Mediated Imaginations, and Religiosity in Java/Elsewhere
By Steve Ferzacca |
Re-Opening the Debate on Malaysian Elections
By Sharaad Kuttan, Norani Othman, Mavis C. Puthucheary, and Ibrahim Suffian
Elections Are Like Water
By Loh Kah Seng |
Middle Classes Prompting Change in the Political Landscape of East Asia
By Takashi Shiraishi |
Statesmen or Manager? The Image and Reality of Leadership in Southeast Asia
Transcript of a Forum jointly sponsored by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies’ Bangkok Liaison Office, and Chulalongkorn University’s Political Economy Centre of the Department of Economics and the Faculty of Political Science, April 2, 2004 […]
Panelists Benedict Anderson, Cornell University Vedi Hadiz, National University of Singapore Paul Hutchcroft, University of Wisconsin-Madison Francis Loh Kok Wah, Universiti Sains Malaysia Pasuk Pongphaichit, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University Giles Ji Ungpakorn, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, chair
Pasuk Pongphaichit on Thailand
Francis Loh Kok Wah on Malaysia
Paul Hutchcroft on The Philippines
Vedi Hadiz on Indonesia
Benedict Anderson on Southeast Asia
Open Forum
Wahyu Prasetyawan on Indonesia’s Presidential Election
By Wahyu Prasetyawan |
The 2004 Indonesian Legislative Election: New Means to the Same Ends?
By Sri Nuryanti |
Making Enemies: War and State Building in Burma Mary P. Callahan Ithaca, NY / Cornell University Press / 2004 Singapore / Singapore University Press / 2004 |
By Glenda Gloria |
Challenging Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Comparing Indonesia and Malaysia Ariel Heryanto and Sumit K. Mandal, editors London and New York / RoutledgeCurzon / 2003
By Khoo Boo Teik |
Indonesia: The 2004 Elections and Beyond Adam Schwarz Singapore / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / 2004
By Patricio N. Abinales |
Democratization in Thailand: Grappling with Realities 『民主化の虚像と実像-タイ現代政治変動のメカニズム』 Tamada Yoshifumi 玉田芳文 Kyoto / Kyoto University Press / 2003
By Okamoto Masaaki |
Pook at Paninindigan: Mga Ugat ng Talastasang Sosyalista sa Rebolusyong Pilipino Ramon Guillermo Quezon City Limbag Potopot and Amado V. Hernandez Resource Center (AVHRC) / 2000
By Atoy Navarro |