Issue 19

Rethinking “Religion” from the Margins

We have long been hearing about the degeneration of Buddhism in Thailand, most often accompanying scandals involving monks who deal with money, magic, or sex. Such realities are inevitably attributed to modernity or globalization. However, […]

Bahasa Indonesia

Menimbang-ulang “Agama” dari sudut pinggiran

Berita tentang kematian Buddhisme di Thailand telah lama terdengar, paling sering diikuti dengan skandal yang melibatkan sejumlah biksu yang berurusan dengan uang, sihir, atau seks. Beragam kenyataan tersebut pastinya terkait dengan modernitas atau globalisasi. Namun, […]

Issue 18

“Family” making in Sino-Thai Relations

This article is to set a broad proposition about examining the Sino-Thai relations through cultural linguistic aspects. In this regard, today it is common to hear leaders from China and Thailand frequently express their close […]

Book Reviews

REVIEW: Rueng Lao Mueng Tai: Pholawat Khong Mueng Chai Dan Thai Phama

 Niti Pawakapan. เรื่องเล่าเมืองไต: พลวัตของเมืองชายแดนไทย-พม่า Rueng Lao Mueng Tai: Pholawat Khong Mueng Chai Dan Thai Phama (Story of Tai Town: Dynamics of the Town within Borderline between Thailand and Myanmar)Chiang Mai: Center for ASEAN Studies, 2015. […]

Issue 17

Ugly Americans, Ugly Thais

On January 26, 2015, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, Daniel R. Russel, delivered a speech at Chulalongkorn University, urging the end of martial law throughout the country and the […]

Issue 17

Inequality and Politics in Thailand

Writing in Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville famously declared the ‘general equality of conditions’ the foundation of American democracy. For Thailand, it is different, for it is the general inequality of condition that defines […]

Book Reviews

REVIEW: A new religious cult for Thai middle-class?

Kamin Kamani (คามิน คมนีย์). เย็นวันเสาร์-เช้าวันอาทิตย์ (The Sunday Morning Club)Bangkok: Amarin Publishing, 2004 (1st edition); Banbook Publishing, 2014 (2nd edition). Kamin Kamani (คามิน คมนีย์). หัว*ใจ*เท้า (Head, Heart and Feet)Bangkok: Banbook Publishing, 2014. As symptoms of determination, […]

Issue 14: Myanmar

Tamnan Krasue – Constructing a Khmer Ghost for a Thai Film

German scholar, Benjamin Baumann, writes about Phi Krasue, one of the most well-known and most frightening uncanny beings of Thai folklore. Like most uncanny beings classified with the pre-fix Phi, Phi Krasue had no singular origin myth that reached beyond the local discourse, but that changed in 2002 with the release of the Film “Tamnan Krasue” which locates the origin of this uncanny being in 13th century Angkorian Khmer culture. This article offers interpretations as to why this idiosyncratic origin myth appeared in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis and how it may contribute to our understanding of contemporary Thai-Cambodian relations. […]

Issue 13: Monarchies in Southeast Asia

The Future of the Monarchy in Thailand

The Future of the Monarchy in Thailand The future of any monarchy is at least partially determined by the strengths and weaknesses of its current reign and the path of succession to the next. This […]

Issue 13: Monarchies in Southeast Asia

Monarchies in Southeast Asia

Monarchies in Southeast Asia Professor Michael Leifer, the late much respected scholar of Southeast Asian studies, wrote a preface for the critically acclaimed book by Roger Kershaw titled, Monarchy in Southeast Asia. Leifer said, “It is […]