Issue 14 Sept. 2014

Moving Myanmar: The Future of Military Prominence

David I. Steinberg, Distinguished Professor from Georgetown University writes about Myanmar and the role of the military as the country moves forward. Looking at social mobility specifically, David argues that Myanmar society was more open before it was choked by the military in the past and talks about how at that time, the only avenue for social mobility was through the army. Today, other avenues have reopened, with the possibility of making Myanmar a more balanced society. […]

Issue 14 Sept. 2014

A “Three Insecurities Perspective” for the Changing Myanmar

Maung Zarni, a research fellow at the London School of Economics, argues that the best way to look at the current changes in Myanmar is through his “Three Insecurity Paradigms”, namely, national security, global security and human security. Zarni denounces the Thein Sein reforms as crude responses to the regime’s own needs and to the expectation of the world, with little account for the security of ordinary Myanmar people. […]

Issue 14 Sept. 2014

Prioritising Agricultural Reform in Myanmar

Sean Turnell and Wylie Bradford of the Macquarie University, Australia, look at the agricultural sector in Myanmar, the source of income of the majority of Myanmar people, and plot the important role it will play in enabling the country’s economic renaissance. They propose a set of recommendations on how to promote and sustain this sector, bearing in mind the potential of Myanmar in the world’s agricultural markets. […]

Issue 14 Sept. 2014

Strengths and Weaknesses of Thein Sein’s Leadership

Yoshihiro Nakanishi of Kyoto University profiles Thein Sein, delving deep into his leadership and poses the question, “is democratization truly taking place with him at the helm?” His answer is more startling than his question. He believes that the plans of reform were well laid by the previous generation of military elites; thus they themselves are automatically entrenched in the new power structure. […]