Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Ang Pagsusulat sa Reformasi

Amir Muhammad “Perforated Sheets,” isang kolum sa pahayagan (Butas-butas na papel) Kuala Lumpur / New Straits Times / 2 September 1998 – 3 February 1999 Sabri Zain Face Off: A Malaysian Reformasi Diary (1998–99) (Harapan: Isang talaarawang […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Of Strongmen and the State

John T. Sidel Capital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines Stanford, U.S.A. / Stanford University Press / 1999 Patricio N. Abinales Making Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the Formation of the Philippine Nation-State Quezon […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Of Strongmen and the State (Abstract)

          John T. SidelCapital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the PhilippinesStanford, U.S.A. / Stanford University Press / 1999 Patricio N. AbinalesMaking Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the Formation of the Philippine Nation-StateQuezon City, Philippines / […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Ang mga Maykapangyarihan at ang Estado

John T. Sidel Capital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines (Ang kapital, pamumuwersa, at krimen: Ang bosismo sa Pilipinas) Stanford, U.S.A. / Stanford University Press / 1999 Patricio N. Abinales Making Mindanao: Cotabato and […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Orang Kuat dan Negara

John T. Sidel Capital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines Stanford, U.S.A. / Stanford University Press / 1999 Patricio N. Abinales Making Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the Formation of the Philippine Nation-State Quezon […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002


John T. Sidel Capital, Coercion and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines (資本・強制・犯罪―フィリピンのボッシズム) Stanford, U.S.A. / Stanford University Press/ 1999 Patricio N. Abinales Making Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the Formation of the Philippine Nation-State (ミンダナオ創出―フィリピン国民国家形成におけるコタバトとダバオ)  […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002


John T. Sidel Capital, Coercion, and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines (ทุน การข่มขู่และอาชญากรรม: เจ้าพ่อในฟิลิปปินส์)  Stanford, U.S.A. / Stanford University Press / 1999 Patricio N. Abinales Making Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the Formation of the […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Studies in the Political Economy of New Order Indonesia

Farchan Bulkin  “State and Society: Indonesian Politics Under the New Order, 1966-1978” PhD dissertation / University of Washington / 1983  Mochtar Mas’Oed Ekonomi dan Struktur Politik Orde Baru 1966-71 (New Order Economy and Political Structure […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Kajian Ekonomi Politik Indonesia pada masa Orde Baru

Farchan Bulkin “State and Society: Indonesian Politics Under the New Order, 1966-1978” (Negara dan masyarakat: Politik Indonesia pada masa Orde Baru, 1966-1978) PhD dissertation / University of Washington / 1983 Mochtar Mas’Oed Economi dan Struktur […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002


Farchan Bulkin  “State and Society: Indonesian Politics Under the New Order, 1966-1978”  (国家と社会:新秩序体制下のインドネシア政治1966-1978) PhD dissertation / University of Washington / 1983  Mochtar Mas’Oed  Ekonomi dan Struktur Politik Orde Baru 1966-71  (新秩序体制の経済と政治構造1966‐71)  Jakarta / LP3ES / […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002


Farchan Bulkin “State and Society: Indonesian Politics Under the New Order, 1966-1978” (รัฐกับสังคม: การเมืองอินโดนีเซียภายใต้นโยบายระเบียบใหม่ 1966-1978)  วิทยานิพนธ์ปริญญาเอก / University of Washington / 1983  Mochtar Mas’oed Ekonomi dan Struktur Politik Orde Baru 1966-71  (โครงสร้างเศรษฐกิจและการเมืองในยุคนโยบายระเบียบใหม่ 1966-1971)  Jakarta / […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

The Voice of the Poor

Having read newspaper reports and watched TV news programs about a recent seminar on poverty alleviation strategies organized by the Thailand Research Development Institute (TDRI), as well as having heard Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra discuss […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

On the Horns of a Dilemma

Thai public intellectuals don’t seem to love and care for the people much these days. They facilely compare the Thais to chicken (I’m still puzzled why Thai people are compared to “chicken in the basket” […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Thaksinomics and Liquor

Dr. Kasian Tejapera calls the economic policy of the current government “Thaksinomics.” This means, in essence, that the government bestows patronage on its affiliated crony capitalist groups on the one hand and garners support from […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Malaysia: The Cost of Race Economics

Race in Malaysia is not a black and white matter. The very notion of “race” has its roots in the colonial past, not inthe cosmopolitan and creole histories of the Malay sultanates. Hence there is […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

In Golkar’s Grip

Why do high Golkar officials such as Syamsul Muarif, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, and Slamet Effendi stubbornly shield their party leader, Akbar Tandjung? Why do they try to block the possible formation of a special committee […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Police and Society in Political Turmoil

The dramatic arrest of Tommy Soeharto is the latest event to rock the political scene. The current cases, which link the police with Indonesia’s political turmoil, bring to mind the work of a famous British […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Area Studies at Kyoto University

Kyoto University has two area studies institutions, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (Asafas), with a combined faculty of fifty-seven members. Their joint library, […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Southeast Asian Studies in Asia

The University of the Philippines’ Asian Center held a conference-workshop last January 8-10 that examined the state of teaching and research on Southeast Asian Studies in the east Asian region. Supported by the Japan Foundation’s […]

Issue 1 Mar. 2002

Orang Asli Leadership in Malaysia

The Orang Asli are the minority indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. Numbering 120,000 and distributed unevenly among 19 different linguistic groups, they represent the most marginalized of Malaysian society today. But the Orang Asli were […]