Issue 14 Sept. 2014

Prioritising social growth for Singapore

The second Young Academic’s Voice article is by Alex Tham. He casts a critical gaze at his home country, Singapore, and sees the threads that bind the country together slowly pulling apart. Singapore’s development hasn’t been met with the same level of social growth and this will not bode well for society if relationships are always measured in just economic terms. […]

Book Reviews

REVIEW: Gone Case, A Graphic Novel

Gone Case, A Graphic NovelStory by Dave Chua. Art by Koh Hong Teng. Edited by Joyce Sim.Singapore. Book 1 (2010), Book 2 (2011) Popular culture provides a way for us to understand Southeast Asia and comics gives […]

Issue 3: Nations and Stories Mar. 2003

Said Zahari’s Long Nights

Said ZahariDark Clouds at Dawn: A Political MemoirKuala Lumpur / Insan / 2001 Said ZahariMeniti Lautan Gelora: Sebuah Memoir PolitikKuala Lumpur / Utusan / 2001 Translated and adapted from the remarks of Abdul Rahman Embong […]