Issue 14 Sept. 2014

The 5th Cambodia elections: a turning point for the democratic process

In this the third article from our series ‘Young Academics Voice,’ Vannarith Chheang, from the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, investigates the ‘surprise’ of Cambodia’s July 2013 elections. According to Chheang, unlike elections in the past, this one signals a critical turning point in the democratic process. […]

Issue 6 Mar. 2005

Benedict Anderson on Southeast Asia

Thank you very much, Acharn Giles. This is great. First thing I want to say is this: listening to these four excellent and stimulating presentations, I was particularly struck by one thing that came out […]

Issue 3: Nations and Stories Mar. 2003

Wu Xiao An on Centers for Chinese Studies in Southeast Asia

Two important local research centers provide Southeast Asian historians with important field access, foundations for further research, well-documented local knowledge, and well-informed social networks – the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies in Kuala Lumpur and […]