Issue 11 Mar. 2011

동남아시아의 한류

Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 11 (March 2011): Southeast Asian Studies in Korea 1. 한류의 전개 1990년대 말 이래 한국 텔레비전 드라마, 영화, 대중가요 그리고 연예인들이 동북아시아와 동남아시아 전역에서 상당한 인기를 누리게 되었다. 세계적인 […]

Issue 11 Mar. 2011

Korean Wave in Southeast Asia

Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia Issue 11 (March 2011): Southeast Asian Studies in Korea Development of the Korean Wave Since the late 1990s, an increasing amount of Korean popular cultural content including television dramas, movies, […]

Issue 11 Mar. 2011

Historical Dynamics of Southeast Asian Studies in Korea

Historical Dynamics of Southeast Asian Studies in Korea* Introduction Southeast Asian studies is one of the emerging and swiftly developing fields of study in Korea. This subject, however, was considered academically ‘futile’ until the 1970s. […]